Yes it makes Live better for some people. I don’t think too highly of DAWs that require third-party utilities that rely on third-party additions that rely on third-party integration to fix basic deficiencies. I’m constantly having people tell me about it. This has nothing to do with Max for Live, but I’m throwing it in here anyway. (ratings arbitrary, don’t latch on to this) Live Enhancement Suite If I were to claim that Live was a 2/10 up till this point, with M4L it’s a 8/10. It brings a large amount of functionality that’s missing from the stock Ableton Live installation to the table. If you own Live then you should absolutely acquire Max for Live. This could be 5000 lines of ways that Max for Live improves the Live experience. Want tools for Max for Live itself, those exist too.That missing oscilloscope isn’t actually missing.Unhappy with MIDI input methods in Live? Not anymore.How about Live following tempo to live drums?.Is your launchpad not as cool as a Monome? Fixed.No step sequencer in Live? Sure there is.No Modulation? Wrong and Max for Live comes with an Envelope Follower and Drawable LFO.This also means there’s a cabinet IR loader there too. No Convolution Reverb?, LIES! There’s a great convolution reverb included with Max for Live, and a device for capturing IRs. Future updates may render some of this information invalid.
Ableton live and hammerspoon series#
Live's Plugins: A series of miniature reviews.Live music with Ableton Live: An Overview.Mixing music in Ableton Live: An Overview.Editing music in Ableton Live: An Overview.Writing music in Ableton Live: An Overview.Max for Live is probably the most incredible value you can get as a Live user, so let me explain why… Instead this is an overview of how Max for Live impacts the ability, functionality and value of Live. I won’t be doing an in-depth review of Max for Live, since that could easily be a series larger than the Live review itself (I believe M4L is more functional and capable than Live). It’s either a $199 purchase, or it comes with Live Suite (as of this writing). Here’s where things get fun for both the novice and the advanced user: Max for Live.